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Versatility pays.

For a long time, I had been distrust of myself, of things I made.

No matter what I made, I always compared to others, felt like useless, often couldn't stay motivated to complete works.

Recent years, I came to think that I'm not so bad, then I wonder if I made something now affirming all my characteristics. Just discover my strengths and develop them. Pursue my favorite things.

In that way, I made a lot of works - accessories, texts and paintings . They were scattering over internet, so I wanted to archive them at this website.

I'd like you to look at the whole of me, whom was able to accepted by myself as is at last.

In the near future, I hope I can get a place like that in reality, not only on the internet.

Be incorporated the environment, where people gather and be handed down through generations, I want to leave something virtuous to this world.

In that place, there may be a small kitchen garden with my favorite tree with blue flowers.

*The copyright is not abandoned. Please refrain from reprinting, processing, or redistributing the original work without permission. If there is a recipe referred to in a handmade work etc., I will specify the reference source.

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